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Posted by: Lost , alone and in tears | 7/9/2011How selfish can some-one be? My partner and i decide to go on holiday and after we get back save money and do either IUI or IVF.
Last night he calls to say he bought a bakkie. And i ask " where we gonna put the baby" his reply i need to think of myself .
The word selfish has a whole new meaning today. Being together almost 13 years and childless has made life easy for him/us never the hassle worrying about almost anything or anyone but us.
Today my eyes has been opened. Never a helping hand around or in the house. Comes to eat sleep and wash.
Does he want a life of convienence?
Hassle-free/ burden free?
No committment?
Does wanting a baby put blinkers on our eyes?
Does wanting a baby justify putting up with BS?
Ladies tell me is my hormones acting up or do i have reason to feel this broken?
Cos my reasoning how can you be committed to being a father and you cannot fulfil your commitment to me
HI Honey,
I don''t really know what to say to you, other then it is just isn''t as important to the men as it is to us. For the men - they don''t form that bond or want untill they see the little one.
I went through the same with my Hubby when we went through treatment and i just felt like i was going through it alone, even when i finally fell pregnant he was happy but not as much as i was, and through the pregnancy he was distant i felt. But the minute that little guy arrived he was attached and is the most loving father. I sometimes feel he doesn''t help enough, but i just have to realise it was how he was brought up and he actually does do a fair share more then some men i know.
You should maybe sit down and discuss with him how you feel and ask him if he wants this or not. Don''t guess at it, let him tell you. Good LUck
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