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Subject: cant keep a girlfreind coz of sexual issues Posted by: TA | 18/9/2011Hi,
My brother is 26 and I found out from my mom that he is having problems keeping girlfriends because of sexual issues I want to help him I do not know where the problem is exactly,I also seen him scratching himself which calls for a huge concern.
I though such problems are for old man is this normal??
Sexual performance or concerns do not necessarily ask you age. There could be several aspects that one need to bear in mind - It could be hormonal; chronic medication; emotional; relationship; stress; physical; etc. After all it is very personal and if he wants help he needs to seek the help. It might be worth it for you to engage in a chat with him and determine what the main concern is. If it has a physical origin it might be worth it to refer him to a medical doctor dealing with sexual concerns. If it has a relationship/ emotional/psychological origin a psychologist dealing with sexual concerns might be the avenue to explore. For further information please consult SASHA?s website at www.sexualhealth.qw.co.za/dru. For referral to a professional in your vicinity, please send an email to helpline.sasha@gmail.com.
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